Reliability of Da'if Hadith and its Conditions

  • Muneer Ahmed Chief Editor


Weak "da'if." Hadith is basically not a trusted evidence in Shari'ah. But some
time it is reinforced by other Hadith or Hadiths in words or meaning, which
makes it reliable.
Then the scholars of Hadith have prescribed some terms and conditions for the
reliability of Da'if Hadith.
This study describes the term al-Ia'tibar and the conditions for the reliability of
Da'if Hadith. And attempts to analyze the terms of reliability prescribed by the
Hadith Schollers.
It will contribute in the field of Hadīth Sciences and will be beneficial for
students, researchers and scholars of Hadīth and Islamic Studies.
Key words: Hadith, Hadith Sciences, Da'if Hadith, Reliability.
