The East India Company (EIC) and China’s One Belt and One Road Initiative (BRI) : A Historical and Contemporary Comparison


  • Dr. Muhammad Daniyal Khan Lecturer, Department of History University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Farzana Gul  Taj Assistant  Professor, Jinnah  College  for  Women, University of Peshawar
  • Muhammad Salih BS History Student, Department of History University of Peshawar
Keywords: British, East, India, Company, BRI



The British East India Company and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have significantly impacted the global economy and international relations. The British East India Company established British colonial rule in India, while China's BRI connects Asia, Europe, and Africa. Both companies were driven by expanding economic influence and political power. This research paper compares and contrasts their policies, examining historical context, economic motivations, political implications, and social impacts. It aims to contribute to understanding how economic power shapes global politics and society and provide insights into Chinas BRIs implications for global governance.



