Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Volume 01 ,ISSUE 2 (July- December ) 2018

Table of Contents
1. Principles and Views of the Jurisprudence of Hazrat Ayesha RA
2. A scientific study of Muhammad bin Abdul Karim al shehrastani inclining towards Rawafiz.
3. A Research Analysis of Ghazwa Bani Quraiza Narrated in Surah Ahzab in the Light of Tafseer e Mazhari.
4. The impact of theory of permissibility on contemporary Islamic banking:Analytical study
5. Holy Book, the Old Testament and Family Life
6. Imprisonment of Husband due to Non-Payment of Maintenance: A Critical Review
7. The Implementation of the Juristic Opinion of Four Imams about Resemblance with Non-Muslims in Contemporary Affairs: An Analytical Study
8. The alienation in the poems of Hegazy and Yashab Tamanna a comparative study
9. Features of the influence of the Arabic language on the Spanish language in Undlus Islamic Era (Historical Stydy)
10. Limited Liability in Islamic Jurisprudence: The Case of Authorized Slave
11. The Concept of Public Borrowing in Islam
12 CPEC: A mega project; Prospects and challenges
13. Madrassa Education and Fundamentalism in Pakistan
14. Islam and Existentialism: An Analysis of the Philosophy regarding God, Man, Universe, Existence and Education
15. Islamism In Social Services In Pakistan: An Assessment Of Reliefwork To The Bomb Blast Victims In Peshawar Pakistan