Comparative Study of Academic Performance of Teachers Trained Under Formal And Non-Formal Systems of Teacher Education At Secondary Level In Punjab

  • Ms. Naveed Gulzar PhD (Scholar) AL Khair University Bhimber (AJK)
  • Prof. Dr. M. Zafer Iqbal Supervisor/ Professor / Ex. Dean Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad


The study was designed to compare academic performance of trained teachers under formal and no-formal systems of teacher education at secondary level in Punjab. The study was based on the objectives: (i) to compare the professional skills of the teachers through academic achievement of students and (ii) to check the academic performance of the teachers trained in both systems. Secondary schools of 04 districts were selected. The major findings included that the student’s academic achievement taught by the teachers trained through non-formal system was better than the teachers trained through formal system. There was significant difference between the professional skills of teachers trained through formal and non-formal system. The students’ academic achievement taught by the teachers trained through non-formal system was better than the teachers trained through formal system. It was concluded that there was no significant difference between the performance of teachers trained through formal and non-formal system and there was significant difference between the students’ academic achievements of teachers trained through formal and non-formal system. The study recommended that studies be carried out to identify training needs of teachers and areas where they need further orientation to strengthen weak areas.
