The impact of Non-linguistic elements on the translation process (Literary translation from Arabic to Urdu)

  • Dr. Samia Nazish أستاذة مساعدة بكلية اللغة العربية وآدابها ، الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية، إسلام آباد، باكستان
  • Shakeel Ahmad محاضر بقسم اللغة العربية ، جامعة العلامة إقبال المفتوحة ، إسلام آباد، باكستان


Translation is the process of converting written or audible text from the source language to the target text in another language. Translation is one of the best means of transmitting civilization, culture, thought, scientific and literary achievements. Literary translation is one of the most important types of translation; it is the transmutation of literary texts from one language to another language. Each literary text is characterized by expressive and aesthetic images and creative structures for conveying the meaning from one language to another, so it cannot be transferred literally, otherwise the meaning will be spoiled.

In determination of the meanings, non-linguistic elements have a significant influence, but it is part of the speech’s meaning,  as the personality of the speaker and the recipient, and the relationship between them, the intention of the text, the linguistic performance and the surrounding of the circumstances. All these elements affect the understanding of the text.

This research aims to highlight the impact of these non-linguistic elements on the translation process, especially in literary translation. The topic is addressed in this research with a descriptive approach that is based on describing non-linguistic elements and their effect on the translation process, and an analytical approach that selects some models from Arabic literary texts in order to  highlighting the importance of non-linguistic elements in transferring meaning from Arabic to Urdu.
