A Comparative Study of Asceticism in the Poetry of Abul- Athahiya and Abdul Rehman Baba Peshawari
Ascetic means a person not allowing himself for physical pleasure, especially for religious reasons, related to a simple life and a strict way of living. Abul Atahiya was a famous poet born in kofa, the city of Iraq, during Abbasid dynasty. In youth much of his poetry verse was romantic and about wine but latter a drastic change occurs in his poetry and much of his poetry was concerned with asceticism and Islamic mysticism and constantly imitated to spirituality and Sufism. Rehmān Bābā was born in the famed city Peshawar, khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He was renowned Sufi poet of Pashtu literature. Rehman Baba did oath of allegiance (By`aht) on the hand of Haji Bahadur Baba of Kohat as well as learned mysticism from him. His poetry expresses a peaceful Islamic mystical and ascetical perspectives, in which he plainly advised and sermon to peoples regarding Islamic interpretations. The main theme of this article was to critically analyze the poetry of Abul Atahiya and Rehman Baba pertaining asceticism and Islamic mysticism. The study further explored the verses of both poets in their integrity on Sufism on thoughts.