المرويات الضعيفة عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في باب النسخ وأثرها على الأحكام (دراسة بحثية)

Weak Narrations narrated by Ibn e Abbas RA related to Al-Naskh and its impact on Al-Ahkam (Research Study)

  • Dr. Amjad Hayat Assistant Professor ,Department of Islamic studies, NUML University Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Saeed PhD in Tafsir & Quranic Sciences,International Islamic University Islamabad


This research paper studies the weak/ Dhaieef  narrators who have narrated from Ibn e Abbas RA related to Al-Naskh, we had collected all narrations related to al-Naskh from different books of Tafsir and Hadiths, there is various chain of narrators from Ibn e Abbas RA These weak narrater are Attia al-Aofi, Zahhak bin Mazahim al-Hilali, Abu Salih bazam, Usman bin Atta al-Khurasani, Muhammad bin Saib al-Kalbi. In this article we had discussed the reasons why these narrators are weak/ Dhaieef and what is its impact on Al-Ahkam.  We had discussed briefly the about the biography of Abdullah ibn e Abbas RA and then the weak narrations and then conclusion. There is total 21 narrations with 10 types of chains.
