ضلع خیبر میں تعدد ازواج کے مثبت ومنفی اثرات کا علمی و شرعی جائزہ
Scientific and Shariah Evaluation of the Positive and Negative Effects of Polygamy in District Khyber
*مینا گل
**ڈاکٹر نجیب زادہ
Remarriage is considered so abhorrent in the society that if a person remarries, women come to his house and offer condolences to his first wife. And dear relatives incite his first wife against her husband in various ways. And the first wife also not only spoils her peace and comfort of the house by various methods, but considers it her right to take all kinds of revenge on her husband for remarriage And in this way, due to their ignorance and lack of knowledge about religion and despite having understanding of certain religions, they make the whole family suffer in various problems. While remarrying without any reasonable excuse is not only permissible but also a recommended step in modern times.
The temptation of the West is to abolish the system of marriage and to promote obscenity. Our effort should be to promote polygamy and move beyond the "monogamy" system to "polygamy" which is being eradicated. And with its erasure, many good things are being erased and many harms are coming to the fore. Now the voice of women also started to be raised that polygamy should be promoted. In this article, the positive and negative effects of polygamy in Khyber district have been recorded
* ایم فل سکالر، شعبہ اسلامک تھیالوجی، اسلامیہ کالج یونیورسٹی پشاور
** لیکچرر،، شعبہ اسلامک تھیالوجی، اسلامیہ کالج یونیورسٹی پشاور