سورۃ الاحزاب ،  سورۃ النور اور احادیث کی روشنی میں پردے  کے احکام کا علمی جائزہ

A scholarly review of the rulings of veiling in the light of Surah Al-Ahzab, Surah Al-Nur and hadiths

  • Dr.Husan Ara SST,GMH School Tahkal Bala Peshawar
  • Gulali PhD Scholar ,Department of Islamic Studies ,UOP


Islam is the religion of nature and a complete code of life. In this code of life, rules have been set for the protection and respect of every two men, that there is no difficulty in following them, nor does fitrat-e-Salim feel inferior in accepting them. Islam teaches to live a dignified life. Is. For the protection of which punitive laws have been implemented so that those who hurt self-respect are held accountable. The Shariah command of veiling for women is a distinction of the Islamic Sharia and a proud religious tradition. Raised to the highest position. The Shariah order of the veil plays an important role in balancing the society and is a clear remedy for men's sexual weaknesses. Therefore, instead of taking an apologetic approach to the veil, the girls of Islam should proudly publicize this order so that the women of the whole world can benefit from its blessings. According to the order of Allah, veiling is obligatory on women, which has been mentioned in more than one place in the Holy Qur'an and its clarity is available in the books of hadiths. In this article, the rulings of veiling have been collected in the light of Surah Al-Ahzab, Surah Al-Nur and hadiths.

