ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبالؒ کی نعتیہ شاعری کا علمی جائزہ

Scientific Review of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal's Natiya Poetry

  • Asma Faqeer Visiting Lecturer at Bacha Khan Girls Collage Peshawar
  • Seema Gul Assistant Professor, at Law Collage , University of Peshawar


In his poetry, Iqbal invokes Prophet Akhir al-Zaman (PBUH) in many ways and expresses his heartfelt love and connection with him. Among these blessed names are the honorific titles such as Danai Sabal, Khatam-ul-Rasul, Maulay Kal Pais, Taha, Risalat Ma’ab, Risalat Panah, Rasul Mukhtar, Rasul Pak, Rasul Arabi, Rasul Hashmi, Sarwar Alam, Shahneshah Moazzam, Mir Arab and Kamliwale. Through whom Iqbal presents the problems of this Ummah in Bargah Rasool P which has the status of "Ummat Ahmad Mursal" and "Millat Khatm Rasul".

He explains that the nation of Islam has the honor of being the nation of a prophet and a messenger that is unique in its composition, which is not based on geographical boundaries and consciousness, but on the Kalima Tayyaba La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad. It is placed on Rasool Allah. This is such a tradition in which the right of supremacy is not given to color, race, blood or region, but only to piety, and the most perfect person for this nation until the Day of Judgment is the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Iqbal strongly expresses the fact in his Urdu and Persian words that the members of the Muslim Ummah should understand that it is the love of Muhammad that makes the heart of a Muslim stronger and resists heat and inflammation. However, seeing the plight of the nation, their eyes are raised towards the place of Prophethood. In this article, a scholarly review of his Natiya Kalam has been done.

