Islam the Religion of Peace and Security (A Few Examples from the History of Muslim Rule)
Islam is a religion of peace and security, which encourages kindness not only to humans but also to animals. See the beauty of this great religion that Islam means "peace" and faith means "peace" and its name is a clear indication to teach us peace and security and respect for humanity. It means tolerance, forgiveness and tolerance. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony, it has given so much importance to the sanctity of human life that killing one person is equivalent to killing the entire humanity, and if there is a non-Muslim minority living in a Muslim country, it is Full consideration is given to the protection of life and property and honor and dignity and they are given the freedom to follow their religion in their private life. Islam forbids oppression and oppression, but also in response to oppression about the other party. He has disliked transgressing the limit of justice and has set decent and fair principles and rules for revenge. But unfortunately, the enemies of Islam have linked Islam and terrorism together. The first part of this research paper has already been published in the previous issue, while now the peace and security examples of the era of Muslim rulers are being reviewed.