مرض الموت میں وصیت کا تصور : فقہ اسلامی اور وضعی قوانین میں تقابلی جائزہ
Concept of Will in Marz-ul-mout: A Comparative Study of Islamic Jurisprudence and Contemporary Law DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13831228
In Islam a Will, known as "wasiyyah" or "wasiyat," refers to a legal and religiously sanctioned document that allows a Muslim to specify how their wealth and assets should be distributed after their death. It is considered a crucial aspect of a believer's faith and responsibilities, as outlined in Islamic jurisprudence (Sharia).Death Illness (marz-ul-mout) plays an important role in matter of financial dispositions such as transactions,will, wakf and gifts etc. The study focuses on the effect of will during marz-ul-mout. Will during marz-ul-mout means will on the death bed. It explores commandments related to this concept within both Fiqh Islami and contemporary laws of Pakistan and investigate similarities and differences between the two. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an independent sovereign country and it was founded with the aim to provide an environment where the Muslims can live according to Islamic Teachings. Through this research paper we will be able to to find out what is the position of our laws and how does it compares with Islamic laws?