An Analytical Study From Islamic Perspective of the Economic and Social Conditions of Widows in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  • Shumaila Rafiq Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar
  • Dr. Naseem Akhter Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar


The relatonshp of the spouse s a beautful relaton of ths unverse. The people nvolved n ths relatonshp are lke the two wheels of the vehcle. f even one of them falls short, the vehcle of lfe stops. Death s an nalenable fact, every soul has to taste t. When a woman becomes a wdow, t s very dffcult for her to lve n socety, such a woman s often faced as dsgustng and awful behavour of people. On the one hand, husband whch has the status of a shadow for a wfe, n the form of death ths shadow s taken away from her head and then she feels herself alone n ths world. And on the other, she faces dffcult stages, whch becomes extremely dffcult for a lonely and helpless woman, for example, takes care and expendture of chldren and other needs of lfe etc. There are some smlar stuatons n Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that when the economc and socal condtons of wdows n dfferent dstrcts were revewed, t was found that women are sufferng from problems and are lvng poorly. t s a tragc step that there s no one to help the wdow and helpless women. n fact, we have forgotten the slamc teachngs. Due to whch wth the passng moments, we are headed for destructon. The need s to generalze the slamc teachngs and to practce them too. The am of ths research work s to analyze the economc and socal condtons of wdows n Khyber Pakhtunkhwa n the lght of slamc teachngs.
