The punishment of a Muslim blasphemer (In the context of Ibne-Abidin's opinion
Ibne-Abidin (1198–1252 AH / 1783–1836 CE) is one of the most prominent Jurist and Islamic scholar in the 13th century Hijri and his most valuable work in this regard is his 32 papers. He discussed in the light of Quran and Sunnah varius points and principles regarding blasphemy of prophet (PBUH) in the 15th paper. This research article will highlight Ibne Abidin opinion about Muslim blasphemer, his point of wieve on the blasphemer punishment and the main cause of this penalty. The research will further alaborate and analyse the opinion of Ibne Abidin on the repentence of muslim blasphmere and his arguments keeping in wieve the work of authentic scholars on the above mentioned topics.