Witnesses of poetry in two exegesis "Attibyan " and "qurtubi"

  • Ghulam Muhammad Ph.D. Scholar, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badshah Assistant Professor, NUML, Islamabad


Poetry had a significance role in the Arab traditions that they used to give grave importance to poets as compared to speakers and leaders. Arabs had considered the poets as the defenders of their tribes and casts. Furthermore, it was a common praxis in Arabic tradition to celebrate the birth anniversaries of their prominent poets with dignity as the people of other tribes also used to pay commendations and aspirations on that occasions.  The quotation of the well-known and specialist of Quranic sciences , Ibne Abbas , shows the emerging strength as he said , Arabic poetry may be helpful and useful to absorb and elucidate the meanings of the Quranic words. whith reference to this importance, many interpreters of the Qur'an seek  help from arabic poetry to exegete the verses of the Holy Quran. Abū Ja'far Muḥammad Ibn Ḥasan Tūsī “995- 1067 AD” in his exegesis "Al-Tibbyan Fi Tasir al Quran " and " Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Qurtubi " , 1214 -1273 AD , in his exegesis "Jami’li-Ahkam" and "Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an ", used many verses of Arabic poetry to interpret the verses of the Holy Quran.so in this reference, we will discuss in this article ;

  1. poetry and its importance
  2. promotion of " Istishhad "
  3. models of istishhad with Arabic poetry in two exegesis