Islamic and Western Human Rights Insights on Reducing Violence Against Women

  • Dr Munazah Sultana Assistant professor Department of Islamic thought and culture NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari Associate professor Department of Islamic thought and Culture NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Violence, Rights, women, Islam, Discrimination


Violence against women is a major public health problem violating women rights. Women’s are facing sexual or physical violence intimidating through partner or non-partner. This research investigates the factors involve to diminish violence against women in perspective of Islam. Illustration of the comprehensive literature review, this study discovers that Violence negatively affect women’s sexual, reproductive, mental, physical health and many other diseases triggering them that’s why Perverting ferocity against women is more

important. According to Islam there are many ways to reduce violence such as promoting education and awareness about women rights, strengthen legal frameworks, developing support services such as legal assistance, counseling and shelter for victims. By using media raise awareness about impact of violence and importance of respect for all individuals. Addressing the research question, “What are the factors involve reducing violence against women in perspective of Islam?” Data is gathered through research and observations and the study approaches to qualitative and analytical methodology. The findings highlight that cooperative religious and communal environment can promote respect for every individual of the society. Moreover, interfaith dialogue can build mutual understanding and respect for everyone. Policy implementation on Government level prevents violence and promotes equality. The study recommended that supportive initiatives to promote inclusivity and equality is needed to boost women rights worldwide. For eliminating violence International cooperation is required. Engage in global efforts to promote human rights and fight discrimination.




